How to organize and style your fridge

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Nothing can be more stressful than coming from the supermarket and finding a disorganized fridge that will make you waist time and energy over and over. On the other hand, having an organized fridge can be the opposite and the experience of putting the groceries on the fridge can be pleasant. Another benefit is that it is easier to take inventory when making the list for the supermarket. Here are a few tips to help your fridge look organized and styled!

Use clear bins

Clear bins are excellent for organizing your fridge. It will give you a sense of organization and will make your organizing process so easy.

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Organize by categories!

Category examples:

  • Produce

  • Fruits

  • Dairy

  • Veggies

  • Sauces

  • Kids

  • Spreads

    Among others

Label it!

Labels area a great option to organize your food and give a place for everything.

Take out the ugly packages!

By removing ugly packages and displaying them inside the clear bins or jars you will give a better appearance to your food. It will also look more attractive.

Display food front facing!

Everything will look organized and attractive.

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Follow these tips and you will transform the look of your fridge. Style-it!


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